Baby Doll Basket
The Bella Bralette Hack and the Betty Panties
I made myself some new underwear. Yes! It has been on my to-do list for quite a while, but it's no news I don't sew as often as I did before, and when I do, it is often something for the kids, gifts or some pattern test I seemed to come across. Meaning, most of the times, I sew things that weren't actually on the list of things I'd really like to make – not meaning I don't love making them, just that they made their way to come out ealier, stealing sewing time from things that were thought and wished long before they were. Get ready, because I am feeling wordy today!
Anyway, I made myself some new underwear! Just because I have a very tiny memory, I can't tell which piece I sewed first, the bra or the panties. Since that isn't important either, I will start by telling you about the bra. I actually used a bralette pattern, the BellaBralette by Day Dream Patterns to be precise, which I tested and shared with you back HERE. This is a pattern meant for lace but I wasn't happy enough by hacking the bralette into a bra, I also had to make it with knit and lace.
And... yes, there's more, that said knit, was actually re-used from a t-shirt. I used part of that t-shirt for my boy's shorts (here) and these were just scraps I had left. As you see, they were enough (though just quite) for the whole set. Because I have these huge boobs (NOT really), I also had to adjust the damn cup size, shortening a bit the smallest size. Never did that on a bra before, but it went just fine, and I never had a selfmade bra fitting so well – oh wait, this is my actual real bra ever. I had a little help from Susana's tutorial on how to turn a bralette pattern into a bra pattern.
And now that I've mentioned Susana, this might be the right time to mention that I recently got the Betty Panties pattern from Suco by Susana and I was eagerly wanting to try this one out, because again, making myself some new underwear was something I was planning to since a while ago. And what can I say? I was pretty much satisfied with it, so much so, I have at least three more planned on my list.
There are a few views for this panties and I did view F to start, next on my plans is view D. I did make panties for myself before, you can see them HERE, and I am happy to say both patterns have the perfect fit for me. Ever since I made all of them, they became part of my fave and I wear them more often than I wear most of my ready to wear panties. They're all so comfortable.
There are a few more undies patterns I'd like to try, and I can't wait to, but I won't tell you to come back soon for them, as I don't really know when that might happen. One thing I'd really like to try to make, is a lace body, oh I love them so, but never pondered making one as much as I have lately. Should I? Could I? What about you? Have you tried sewing underwear before? I promise is not as scrary as it might be in your head.
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