Last year was my daughter's first Christmas. Back then I decided every year I would add something handmade to our tree. Which is a small one, the same I had for a few years before her. No plans on buying a bigger one so soon.
For now, I am the one making the handmade something, but I hope next year she'll be joining me on this task, I want to share this magic with her.
Last year I used a fabric angel I had made a couple of years before, it's on top of our tree (this year too), so, instead of making something new last year, I didn't, I just used something I had done before. That's not fair, right? So, to compansate it, on a sleepless night I cut and sew a pair of trees. I used blue felt on the front, where I stitched a few stars on each, and on the back I used a beautiful cotton red fabric, shame I didn't take any picture of the back.
When I filled it, I added a few drops of my favourite essential oil, so, besides being an ornament, it leaves a wonderful smell when we enter the room where our tree is.
O Natal é época especial.