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Eu sei que estamos no Outono, e que este tipo de roupa começa a não se encaixar, mas por aqui os dias continuam quentes, talvez ainda o consiga continuar a vestir. Se não estou errada, comecei a costurar este biquíni em Fevereiro de 2016. Estávamos em pleno inverno e senti necessidade de começar alguma costura de verão. Vai-se lá entender! Acontece que entretanto o verão veio e passou, e o biquíni ficou por terminar. Permaneceu guardado no seu saco, na minha caixa de projectos inacabados. Esqueci-me dele.
I know this is Autumn already, and that this isn't the most appropriate season's clothes but days are still so warm around here I still might use it yet. If I'm not completely wrong, I started sewing this bikini around February 2016. It was winter around here and I felt the need to start sewing for summer. Go figure! It happens that summer came and went and no bikini was finished back then. It was kept in a bag, inside my wip projects instead. I forgot about it.
Depois, houve um dia mais recentemente, em que tínhamos planos de ir à praia, e mesmo antes de partir eu tinha um par de horas livres. De repente, vindo do nada a ideia de terminar o biquíni atingiu-me ao olhar para os meus fatos de banho e não sentir vontade de usar nenhum deles (inclusive um feito por mim também). Assim que o terminei e poucas horas depois já o estava a aproveitar em acção.
Then one day recently, we had plans to spend the day at the beach, but before we left, I had a couple of hours free. Somehow the thought of finishing the bikini hit me out of the blue, as I opened my swimwear drawer and didn't feel like any of those I already had (including a handmade one). So finish it I did, and enjoyed it in action just a few hours later.
Then one day recently, we had plans to spend the day at the beach, but before we left, I had a couple of hours free. Somehow the thought of finishing the bikini hit me out of the blue, as I opened my swimwear drawer and didn't feel like any of those I already had (including a handmade one). So finish it I did, and enjoyed it in action just a few hours later.
Usei um molde do nº 564 (Nov. 2006) da revista Manequim. O molde é o nº 505 e eu fiz o tamanho PP. Deveria ter feito o tamanho P para a parte de baixo, porque sinto-a um pouco apertada. Deveria também ter deixado menos espaço na frente, pois parece-me demasiado "descascado" para o meu gosto. Está nos planos encurtar um pouco a distancia entre as duas copas.
I used a Manequim pattern, from edition number 564 (nov. 2006). It is pattern 505 and I made a XS size. I should have done a S for the bottom though, it feels a bit tight. I also think the space left in the front of the top is too wide and I plan to fix that anytime.
I used a Manequim pattern, from edition number 564 (nov. 2006). It is pattern 505 and I made a XS size. I should have done a S for the bottom though, it feels a bit tight. I also think the space left in the front of the top is too wide and I plan to fix that anytime.
I think because I am too flat it doesn't make much of a difference but I still prefer to change it. It is wearable though, keeping everything in place. And I love the fabric of course. I had already made a little girls swimsuit with it, but only shared on IG. This fabric is hell to be sewn (my machine skipped a few stitches as you can see in the photo above, but I was so over it already that I just pretended I wasn't seeing it), but it's so worth it and it is quite resistent too.
Ambas as peças estão forradas com um outro tecido que costumo usar como forro (como aqui e aqui) porque apesar de ser lindo, é de fraca qualidade, demasiado fino e depressa perde as suas cores vivas e lindas. É uma pena, foi uma má compra.
Both pieces are lined, and for that I used that other fabric I usually use for lining (as here and here) because although it is so pretty, it is also from a bad quality, too light and easily looses its pretty colors. It's such a shame, I know!
Levei-o de férias há um par de semanas, e só vos posso dizer que o adoro imenso! É mesmo o meu novo biquíni preferido. Gosto especialmente do formato e como assenta a parte de baixo. E vocês? Já fizeram alguma roupa de banho ou ainda não se atreveram?
It went with me on holidays a couple of weeks ago, and I love it so much! It seriously is my new favorite bikini. I especially love the shape and fit of the bottoms. What about you? Have you ever sewn a swimwear piece or have you not dare too yet?
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