
Mochi bags |FREE pattern by Sew Chibi|

Hello again everyone! How's 2021 been for you so far? We are in lockdown once again, and suddenly Portugal became the country with more covid cases when looking at numbers by population. Personally, me and my family have escaped from the virus so far, hope as many as possible of you are save too. We all have enough about this already, so let's move to the good stuff, and the good stuff is always about sewing, of course. 

One of the few things I sewed this past year for Christmas was this Sonic waistbag for my son. I made my first Mochi bag, a free pattern by Sew Chibi, back in June 2019, a girl's L.O.L. version for my birthday girl. I sure had a very bad day when I sewed that one up because when you compare both it's hard to believe the same person sewed them. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ As you know though, we're not here for the bling and I have no problem at all to show you my failures too. 

Well... is it still a failure if your kid adores it and wears it like crazy? Maybe it's not such a failure after all! Just saying! Anywayssss... So, I made that first one as a birthday present for my girl who was turning 8 and had a LOL themed party (I also sewed her a dress to match, should look for those photos), which she was crazy about back then... One year and something forward, and there goes her love for such dolls. 

For hers I used the same fabric I had bought to sew the dress, and the L.O.L. applique was a sticker she gave me. I then ironed some plastic on top and sewed it to the front piece. It still lasts, shiny as new. I clearly failed the sewing lesson this time, I was even able to mess the side tabs by placing them upside down. 

Ever since, my youngest also wanted one for him too. I said I would make it, but time just kept passing and nothing. Every now and then, he would see his sister's and remind me he had asked for one too. As her love for the L.O.L. dolls decreased and with lockdown keeping us at home, she barely used any bags and this was forgotten. 

Every now and then we visited a flea market where kids love to buy some second hand toys or books with their own money, so I like them to have a small bag they can carry their wallet on. Covid cancelled our markets, and he won't take his new bag to one anytime soon, but I had to make this for him. 

He loves Sonic, and so I stamped the front piece after printing the image. I then handstitched his name on it too - and I was so happy I did when he opened the present on Christmas Eve. The boy was crazy about it! This one is not flawless, but it is sooooo much better than his sister's. I should make her a new one, really! It's just that the sewing list is always growing, and I don't sew as much as I'd like anymore. 

I also have the adult version of the Mochi bag but didn't get a chance to try that one too. I should make some matching ones for me and hubby... ahahah... I wonder what he'd think of it?!

What have you been sewing?!


Happy New Year!

How could any of us ever forget this past year, right? So much going on, so much sadness. If anything could go wrong, 2020 was the year to happen. I'm so glad we've just kissed it goodbye, though I don't believe that by miracle, everything will be different in January. Let's pretend, even for a while though, and be so happy for 2021 to be here, and with it, new hopes and dreams for us all. May it bring us the most important in life: health, love, goals and the strengh to achieve them. 

I didn't make any resolutions for 2020, as I am not making any this year. It looks as though, I somehow had low expectations for the year that was approaching. If you look back, I posted for the last time in May (back in 2019). Covid helped a little and pushed me back into sewing a bit more, and posting about some of my makes again. I actually didn't just sew a little bit more this year, I did sew a lot more, most of which were masks, I still have people asking me to sew them some, basicly every week. 

As I just said, I made no resolutions for 2021 either. There are a few things I'd like to achieve, and I'd like to go back to, such as sewing more for myself and posting more about all the things I sew/create. I already did one shirt for me in the weekend, and have also put up together, a little video with all the makes from the past year. Not only sewing, as there are cement weights too, and christmas last minutes gift ideas. There's also some Barbie pillows and a blanket that Gabriela sewed for her dolls. Some pieces made it to the blog, others did not, and might still make it here sooner or later. I only forgot to add my last make of 2020, which was a gift for a little girl, but I'll surely post about that later. 


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