
Summer Swimwear 2016 Tour

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Antes de mais, deixem-me dizer-vos que não tenho costurado praticamente nada nas últimas semanas. Fiz um vestido para oferecer-mos a uma amiguinha da G. e a minha máquina armou-se em parva com a malha, foi um castigo conseguir terminar. Troquei agulha, fiz manutenção, enfim... começou a funcionar melhor mas notei que o pedal perdeu a sensibilidade, ora não arrancava, ora arrancava a costurar quando menos esperava e sempre a alta velocidade. Ou seja, deixei de conseguir controlar a velocidade a que costuro. Levei mais de duas semanas a tentar dirigir-me a um senhor que arranja(va) máquinas aqui perto, mas parece que fechou a loja por problemas de saúde. O outro que conheço é caríssimo e mais me vale comprar uma nova (já está escolhida só falta mandar vir!). Isto tudo para dizer que com o receio que tinha em tentar costurar e dar em louca com a máquina fui adiando fazer a peça que tinha para fazer para o tour de hoje e só fiz mesmo a dois dias de publicar. Para minha surpresa a máquina colaborou (mais ou menos e a coisa até correu razoavelmente bem). Não estava à espera das coisas correrem bem, mas ainda bem que sim!

Before anything else, let me tell I haven't been sewing much lately. I made a dress for my daughter's friend birthday and my machine started acting with the knit, I struggled a lot to finish. I changed the needle, cleaned it and all that... it started working better, but I noticed the pedal lost its sensibilty, it would either not start or it'd start sewing in high speed. So, I couldn't control my needed sewing speed. It took me more than two weeks to be able to take it to service to find out that the man who did this (locally) closet his shop due to his health. The other one I know it too expansive so I might as well buy a new machine (I have picked it already just need to order already!). All this, just to tell you that I was scared to death to try to sew what I had to sew for today's tour, and drive myself crazy in the way, so I postponed doing so until I couldn't anymore and just got it done two days before post day. To my surprise, the machine cooperated (things sort of worked fine). I wasn't expecting things going easy, but I was glad they did!

Posto isto, vamos ao que interessa. Hoje faço parte do tour Summer Swimwear2016. As designers Jessica |Gracious Threads|, Ajaire |Designs by Call Ajaire| e Saskia |The Wolf & The Tree| juntaram-se para apresentar os seus mais recentes moldes (individuais), correspondentemente Swim & Surf Shorts para criança e mulher,  Classic Maillot fato de banho e tankini, e o molde O Captain, My Captain conjunto para proteção solar. Quando me foi dado a escolher qual (quais) dos moldes queria fazer, eu escolhi os calções. Já sabia que a máquina andava a mastigar as malhas e não quis arriscar. E é por isso (e porque a G. está cheia de fatos de banho este ano) que deixei passar ao lado a oportunidade de costurar as outras duas opções, mas para mais tarde ficarão, isso de certeza. 

All that said, let's go to the point. Today I am part of the Summer Swimwear 2016 tour. The designers Jessica |Gracious Threads|, Ajaire |Designs by Call Ajaire| and Saskia |The Wolf & The Tree| got together to present their newest (individual) patterns, correspondingly the Swim & Surf Shorts for kids and women,  the Classic Maillot swimsuit and tankini, and the O Captain, My Captain rushguard. When given the choice of these patterns, I went for the shorts. I already knew my machine was chewing knits and I didn't want to risk it. And that's why I missed the chance to sew the other patterns for now (and also for the fact that G. has plenty of swimwear for the year already!), I am sure I will want to try them out later. 

Escolhi o tamanho 5 anos, que é a idade que ela fez há um mês atrás e assentam super bem. Já para não dizer que mais uma vez, a minha filhota adorou. Gostou particularmente das cores desta vez. Como não tinha o tecido apropriado para calções de banho e porque na verdade, não costumamos usar calções de banho por cá, optei por usar um algodão, reciclado de um vestido de mulher comprado há um par de anos numa loja de caridade por 1€ apenas. O viés foi oferta de uma amiga querida, e ficou perfeito (já tinha dito que esta combinação de cores é das minhas preferidas, não já?!). 

I went for size 5, which is the age she just turned a month ago and they fit super well, not to mention that once again, my daughter loved it. She particularly liked the colors this time. Since I didn't have swimwear approriate fabric and also because we don't really use swim shorts around here, I used a cotton fabric, refashioned from a women's dress I bought a couple of years ago at a charity shop, for 1€ only. The bias tape was a gift from a dear friend, and it was perfect for this (I have mentioned before that this is one of my fave combinations, haven't I?!). 

Os calções para criança trazem duas opções de altura, enquanto que a versão de mulher traz três. Estou desejosa de ter a máquina nova e experimentar uns para mim também. Têm também a opção de costurar as cuecas incorporadas aos calções, mas eu não o fiz, porque os nossos são mais para o dia a dia, ou para as idas à praia mas sem a função de ir à água, como já disse antes. 

The kids shorts come with two lenght options and the women's with three. I am wishing here for the new machine so I can make myself a pair too. They also come with the option for incorporated swim bottoms, but I didn't do these, our shorts aren't really meant for swimming, they're more for the daily basis, or going to the beach but not into the water, as I said before. 

Os meus calções ficaram com um erro. Apercebi-me do mesmo enquanto costurava, mas como vos disse a relação com a máquina tem sido tão difícil que nem me dei ao trabalho de desmanchar e fazer bem. Se fico satisfeita com isso? Claro que não, o erro salta-me à vista sempre que olho para a peça. Se fico obcecada? Também não. O erro está lá, mas acho que ninguém se vai pôr a inspeccionar. E se o fizer, paciência! Há males maiores no mundo. E vocês toparam logo o erro? É um bocadinho descarado!

My shorts have a mistake on them. I noticed it while still sewing, but I didn't undo it due to the hard relationship to my machine lately. I didn't unpick it and do it all over again. Am I happy about it? Of course not, that mistake jumps right at me everytime I stare at it. Am I obcessed with it? Not really either. The mistake is there, but I don't think anyone will be inspecting. And if someone does, well, let it be! There are bigger issues with the world. What about you? Did you get it right away? It's a bit bare!

Juntem-se à diversão da Summer Swimwear Tour com a hashtag #sewswimtour para partilharem as vossas criações de vestuário de verão. E não se esqueçam de participar no sorteio para uma oportunidade de ganhar prémios dos patrocinadores abaixo!

Join in on the Summer Swimwear Tour fun by using the hashtag #sewswimtour to share your favorite swimwear makes.  And don't forget to enter to win these fabulous prizes from our other sponsors!

Prizes include:
- 1 pattern The Classic Maillot pattern by Designs by Call Ajaire
- 1 pattern The Swim and Surf Shorts by Gracious Threads
- 1 pattern Just Keep Swimming by The Wolf and the Tree
- 1 pattern of choice (excludes bundles) by Pienkel
- 1 pattern of choice by AimerLae & Finn
- 1 pattern of choice by Rachel Rossi Design
- Free Jellyfish Swim Cap pattern via Sew by Pattern Pieces Group
- 1 pattern of choice by Dandelions n Dungarees
- 1 pattern of choice by E + M patterns
- 5 patterns of choice by George & Ginger
- $30 gift certificate by The Fabric Fairy
- 1 pattern of choice by Sunday Girl Designs
- 1 pattern of choice by 5 out of 4 Patterns
That's 17 patterns + $30 in fabric!!
Enter the giveaway below:

During the tour Designs by Call Ajaire is offering 20% off all patterns in the Etsy shop using the code SWIMTOUR, Gracious Threads is offering 15% off the purchase of 3 or more patterns in her shop (no coupon needed), and The Wolf and the Tree is offering 15% off patterns in her shop using the code SWIMTOUR as well.  So take a few minutes to visit Call Ajaire, Gracious Threads, and The Wolf and the Tree and of course the rest of the lovely blogs we have on the tour:

Sew Country Chick - Handmade Frenzy - House of Estrela - Elegance & Elephants - SewsNBows

Só mais uma coisinha! Hoje é o último dia do Refashion Month aqui no blog. Não deixem de espreitar o resumo amanhã!

Just one more thing, today is the last day of the Refashion Month here at the blog. Come back tomorrow for the wrap up. 


Refashion Month with Michelle Schuh

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A Michelle é uma blogger nova para mim, bem, o seu blog também é recente, com menos de um ano, mas ela tem participado em testes de moldes há bem mais tempo que isso, e gostei muito de visitar o seu blog e ver as peças que tem feito, gabo-lhe o bom gosto na escolha de tecidos e combinações. Fiquei feliz por ver que também haviam por lá posts com roupa reciclada. Não deixem de a visitar e ver o que preparou para esta série. Aqui

Michelle is a new-to-me blogger, well actually her blog is still under one year old, but she's been pattern testing for a bit longer than that now and I really enjoyed going through her posts, checking out her items. She's got a great taste for fabric prints and combinations. I was pretty happy to see she does have some refashioned items too. Check out what she prepared for this series. Here.  

For the top I refashioned a ladies cotton nightie into a Patterns for Pirates Essential Tank. For the bottoms, I used a pair of hubby's poorly fitting pants to make myself a pair of woven brassie joggers from Greenstyle Creations.


Refashion Month with Meriel Aho

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A convidada de hoje é a Meriel, a ser sincera, temos-nos encontrado em várias tours e testes, mas até ela se inscrever nesta série, eu não conhecia particularmente o seu trabalho. Fui espreitar como faço sempre que tenho alguém "cá por casa" que ainda não conheço de um todo ou de quem conheço pouco, e gostei muito das peças que tem feito para as suas crianças. Hoje, ela partilha connosco um apanhado de algumas das reciclagens que já fez anteriormente. Não deixem de espreitar as suas dicas. 

Today's guest is Meriel, and being honest, unless for some tours and tests where we were both in, I didn't really know her work until she signed for the series. I went in to check it out as I always do when I have new guests that I haven't heard of before, or have but not much, and I particurly liked the things she's been doing for her kids. Today, she's sharing a wrap up from previous refashions from her own. Make sure to check out her tips. 

This is a brief look at some quick & easy refashions that anyone can do. I learned to sew 6 years ago, and making over thrifted items such as too-large clothes or even sheets has been one of the best ways for me to get some practice (and even a wearable garment!) without investing a lot of money into my learning process. Pop over to my blog (http://createthreepointfive.com) to read more about what you see here!


Refashion Month with Heather *Feather*

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Mais um dia a reciclar, desta vez com a fascinante Heather. Mãe de três crianças e imparável. Adoro a sua simplicidade e praticabilidade, e os looks que cria. Admiro o facto de publicar a vida como ela é sem floreados, sendo verdadeira. Se os filhos se sujam mesmo antes de tirar fotos a uma peça nova, ela simplesmente assume que com crianças é assim e publica-as assim mesmo. E isso a meu ver é bom, uma pessoa sente-se mais ligada a ela com a ideia de que afinal nem todos procuram a perfeição. 

Another day refashioning, this time with the fascinating Heather. Mom to three kids, and unstopable. I love her simple and practicale ways, and her casual looks. I admire the fact that she posts things as they are on real life, she's not fake. If her kids get dirty right before the photos of a new item are taken, she'll just assume that it is a fact from life with kids and post it like so. And that's a good thing to relate to her and see that not everyone is aiming to be perfect. 

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I'm so excited to be here and share a refashion with you! I love reusing the best parts of clothing and making it into something new. Today I'm sharing a REALLY simple button down shirt upcycle to make a skirt. It's great because you can keep the button placket and the pocket or pockets on the front. Besides using the button down for a skirt, you can use the other half to make a baby romper and the sleeves to make pants

Button Down Shirt
Sewing Supplies
3/8" elastic

1. Get your shirt ready. I used a women's medium and unpicked all the darts. A men's shirt in any size would also work and you wouldn't have to unpick darts.

2. (The bottom half of the shirt, the collar, and the collar stand can be cut off for the baby romper.) Cut at an angle from the sides seams to the shoulders essentially cutting off the sleeves. I cut an extreme angle to get flared sides.
3. Cut straight across the top cutting off the shoulder seams. I cut the back higher than the front to give room for a baby diaper.
4. Remove the tags if needed.

This top picture is what my cut pieces looked like.
5. Sew the side seams right sides together at 1/4" and finish the edges.
6. Straighten the hem if uneven.

7. Sew a 1/2" casing at the top and insert elastic. I sewed the button placket together at the top to make this step easier.
8. Sew a small hem on the bottom. I kept the hem separated at the button placket to keep a real button down look.

It's simple but impactful! The placket and pockets make it looked like I worked really hard. And I love that I can find interesting and unique color schemes that I might not find in the toddler clothing section at the store!
Thanks for having me and letting me share! I can't wait to see everyone else's refashions!


Refashion Month with Diana Pais

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A Diana diz que a reciclagem de roupa está muito fora da sua zona de conforto, ainda assim, para mim, a Diana é uma grande inspiração e eu tinha de a desafiar outra vez. Ela inspira-me, não só na forma divertida como costura para os filhos e para ela, mas também pela sua personalidade, o seu empenho naquilo que quer e faz feliz. Para quem estava fora da sua zona de conforto, digam lá se ela não se saiu tão bem? 

Diana says she's way out of her comfort zone when it comes to refashioning, still, she is a great inspirations for me and I really needed to challenge her again. She inspires me, not only through her fun way to sew for her kids and herself, but also through her personality, and her efforts in whatever she wants and makes her happy. For someone who was feeling out of her comfort zone, she did pretty good, didn't she? 

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Hi everyone! I'm Diana from the blog Miss Castelinhos. I'm very happy to be a part of House of Estrela's Refashion Month for the second time. I always admire Magda's skills to transform old clothes into something new. Refashion is very much out of my confort zone. Last year I made a shirt for my son, so this year I wanted to try something for myself. I had an old dress from a fast fashion brand... not to name names... it starts with a Z, ends with an A and it has AR in the middle... but that's not important! ;D The dress didn't fit me around the hips anymore, so I thought it could work as a blouse.

The transformation was very easy! I simply cut the dress above the stripes and used the remaining fabric to make the sleeves.

The sleeves have quite a dramatic look to it. I gathered them a bit and attached to the armscye.

And that was it! Because the sleeves were made with the bottom of the dress I kept the original hemline. The only thing left to do was the hem around the waistline.

If you're anything like me and are not sure if you can transform a piece of clothing, this is an easy start. Just grab an old sleeveless dress, cut the bottom off and add some sleeves. You can't go wrong! :D Thank you so much for having me Magda!


Refashion Month with Irene (aka MammaNene)

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Creio que a Irene foi uma das primeiras bloggers refashionistas que eu comecei a seguir, ou pelo menos uma das primeiras com quem comecei a ter contacto. A reciclagem que fez numa edição anterior, de camisa de xadrez para vestido de menina, é para mim ainda, uma das mais originais que passaram aqui pelo blogue. Por isso, acho que fazia todo o sentido convidá-la a fazer parte de mais uma edição, e ei-la com a sua boa disposição contagiante. 

I believe Irene was one of the first refashionista bloggers I started following, or at least one of the first I started interacting with. Her plaid button up shirt to little girl's dress, is still in my opinion, one of the most original from all past seasons. That's why I believe it makes total sense to have her as a guest today, and here she is with her infectious good mood. 

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Hi there! It's Irene here, from Serger Pepper! I'm so happy to be here again for this Refashion Month (thanks Magda for inviting me!). After two refashions for my girl (the plaid & ruffles shirt to dress and the posh beach robe) I have decided it was time to sew something for me! I started browsing my refashion pile to find something that might suggest me an idea and I've found this huge man's T-shirt I have found on a thrifty barter/shop. I took it home without a precise plan for it, just knowing that:
  • it was made in a nice fabric, soft and mostly cotton with a small percentage of polyester that will keep it almost wrinkle-free ;)
  • it was in a basic color and pattern, easy to mix and match
  • it was the right length to be worn on top of leggings and to eventually double as a swim cover
  • it was too big to be worn as it was (look at the shoulders and the width at the bust height)
Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - too wide on the shoulders and at the bust height
  • it was too masculine
  • its sleeves were way too long and wide
Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - too long sleeves
These days here in Italy, summer is hot and I needed more tanks to wear... so a refashion idea was blooming: a tank mini-dress to be worn on top of leggings, fitted at the bust and the shoulders and loose at the bottom, so it doesn't accentuate my back and thighs.  
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - fitted where it needs to be

How can you recreate the look? It's easy and fast to whip up, just a couple of hours and you have your new tank mini-dress! First, put the shirt on and mark with pins where you want the shoulders to sit. Mark it on both sides. Decide also the neckline depth but make sure you leave some room on top of a button/buttonholes so you can finish the raw edge with the bias tape without sewing onto the buttonhole! Go down to the bust height and pin on both sides so it's fitted on your bust: this won't make it look baggy anymore!
   Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - mark with pins where you want the tank to hit

Once you take off the shirt, check that pins are mirrored on each side. If not, sum both sides measurements and split in two even measurements so they are perfectly the same! Using chalk, design the neckline curved shape and the new armhole. Try it on again, if you want, to be sure you like it! Cut out the exceeding fabric (don't forget seam allowances!). Cut out the sleeves (put them aside, along with the collar... you never know when you might need them!). Sew the new side seams (a 4-thread overlock stitch is perfect but you can do a straight stitch + zig-zag on seam allowances) right sides together, starting at the armhole and going down to nothing to the old side seams. You can pin this line so it will visually guide you when sewing.
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - pin the new side seam from the armhole going down to nothing

To finish the neckline and the armholes, use some single fold bias tape (I had store-bought leftovers from my daughter's bibs). Start pinning it at the front opening, all around the neckline. 
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - start aligning the bias at the front opening of the neckline

Make sure the other end (the one that goes under) is not peeking out.
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - make sure the other end of the bias is not peeking out

Sew in place, then press the seam open. Use a tailor's ham, if you have it, for a hassle-free steam pressing on curves (if you don't have one, let's DIY!). Tip: Don't skip this step for a professional-looking finish!

Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - press the bias tape with a ham  
Turn the bias tape toward the wrong side, steam press again and pin in place, before you go to the sewing machine.

Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - pin toward the wrong side the bias tape, press and topstitch 

 While a regular presser foot will work just fine,a nice one to use is this "guide stitch foot" that has markings on the left that will help you topstitching at a consistent width from the folded edge. To decide the perfect width:
  • slide the neckline under the foot on the bias tape side
  • lower the foot and the needle so it goes into the fabric in the right spot
  • mark the right groove to follow with a sharpie or something like that
  • lift up the foot and place the neckline under it again, this time on the outside of the tank
  • sew and admire!
Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - mark the width of the topstitch
Let's finish the armholes in the same way. The only difference is that you start with folding one end of the bias tape toward the wrong side so, when you reach that point with the other end of the bias tape no raw edges will show. Stitch, press, fold, press, pin, and topstitch, exactly as shown for the neckline. Repeat for the other armhole.
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - finish the armhole with bias binding

You are done! Here's your new flowy tank mini-dress, fitting your body as a forgiving glove, made by refashioning an old man's shirt. Look at these details: don't you like the subtle peeking of the contrasting bias tape? And how perfectly fits my shoulder bones, now?

Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - detais  
Do you like how the front neckline opening came? I love it!

Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - front neckline opening detail  
I hope this has inspired you to go and sew something from your refashion stash!
  Serger Pepper - Refashion July - Man's shirt to tank dress - and loose where I don't want to enfatize my curves


Refashion Month with Michelle White

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É impossível não gostar da Michelle. Ela é meiga, divertida, honesta e super criativa. Quando penso que não me consegue voltar a surpreender ela vem e bam, lá fico eu de queixo caído com a sua capacidade de reinventar e criar. Exemplo disso mesmo, são alguns dos looks que ela reciclou no último ano e que nos mostra hoje aqui no blog. Visitem mesmo todos os links para os mesmos, aposto que também vão ser apanhadas/os de surpresa com alguns dos materiais que ela usou. Agora, passo-lhe a palavra a ela mesma. 

It is impossible not to love Michelle. She's kind, funny, honest and so creative. When I think she cannot surprise me anymore, she comes and bam, there goes my jaw down again with her reinvent ing and creating skills. Good examples are the ones she's bringing us today, some of the looks she recycled/refashioned in the past year. Please visit all the links for each of them, I bet you too will be amazed when you find out how some of the supplies she used. I am letting her speak now. 

Hi House of Estrela Readers! I am Michelle and I blog over at Falafel and the Bee, as well as take care of things behind the scenes as one of the Virtual Assistants at Project Run and Play.
If you know me already, you will know how I absolutely love everything about refashioning and I do it as often as I can. Not only is it extremely cost effective and speaks to my frugal side, it saves existing garments (and sometimes even trash) from the landfill.
Today I am here to share a little round-up of some of the refashions I have done, since last July. Click on the link below the photo to take you to the individual posts.




I cannot believe how many I have done this past year! I hope you'll come over and check out some of these posts as well as explore the "Upcycle" category I have where you can find things other than garments. Thank you so much, Magda, for having me here. I look forward to this series every year.

Keep on reusing and refashioning, everyone!


Desert Island Sew

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Tal como no passado mês, juntei-me a outras bloggers para mais um tour divertido. Se no primeiro mês nos pediram para mostrarmos as nossas peças a serem usadas no dia a dia e algumas perguntas por responder, desta vez, apenas nos questionaram uma coisa:
Se fosse para uma ilha deserta e só pudesse levar um molde, que molde seria esse? Podíamos levar todo e qualquer material de costura, mas apenas um molde. E agora?

Just like last month, I joined a few bloggers for another fun tour. We were asked to share our sewn pieces in our daily life and we had a few questions to answer as well. This time though, we were only asked one thing:
If we were going to a desert island, and we could take only one pattern, what would it be? We could take as many sewing supplies as we'd wish, but were only allowed to take one pattern. What now? 

Azur Swimsuit 
by Petit a Petit and Family & Titchy Threads

Escolhi o molde do fato de banho Azur. Um molde resultante de uma colaboração entre as designers Celina Bailey e Laura Titchter, mas levei tanto tempo para me decidir. Existem tantos moldes maravilhosos. A minha ideia inicial era escolher um molde básico, que eu pudesse alterar e costurar imensas peças diferentes com ele: versatilidade era o meu foco, portanto. No entanto, cheguei a outra conclusão. Uma ilha deserta pede pouca roupa, não? E porque não levar um molde apropriado para o local? Ninguém disse que eu ia ficar perdida na ilha para sempre e precisar todo o tipo de roupa, pois não? Imagino essa ida para a ilha deserta como uma espécie de retiro costuril. Eu, a minha máquina, os meus tecidos e a parafernália toda que eu conseguisse levar para lá. 

I chose the Azur swimsuit. This is a pattern brought together by two designers, Celina Bailey and Laura Titcher. It took me quite a few time to decide though. There are so many wonderful patterns out there. My first thought was going for a versatile pattern I could hack as much as needed. However, my conclusion was otherwise. A desert island calls for little clothes, right? And whay not taking an approriate pattern then? Nobody said I would stay lost in the Island and need all sorts of clothes, right? I imagine going to that island for a sewing retreat. Me, my sewing machine, my fabric and all the supplies I could carry. 

Eu fiz parte do grupo de testers do molde, desde a primeira ronda. Quase um ano depois houve uma segunda e finalmente o molde ficou pronto e perfeito. Fiz 3 durante a fase de testes, e o primeiro que fiz foi o que apresento na foto acima. O fato de banho é reversível, e eu adoro a conjugação das cores que escolhi. Na altura foi um bocadinho medricas no que diz respeito a adicionar o elástico e como era opcional dispensei. Arrependi-me claro. Vê-se sempre um bocadinho do outro lado a espreitar, para além do facto de não assentar tão bem e parecer até um pouco largo. O tecido azul tinha-o comprado e usei as sobras que ficaram depois de costurar dois pares de leggings - tanto que para a peça da frente fiz mesmo um remendinho, por isso se vê uma costura na cintura, o tecido não era suficiente para cortar a peça inteira. Já a lycra preta do outro lado, veio de um vestido de mulher comprido ao qual também meti tesoura e transformei neste fato de banho. 

I was part of the testers for this one, since the first round. Almost a year later there was a second one and finally we had this perfect pattern ready. I made 3 of these through the tests, and the first one is the one I shared above. The swimsuit is reversible, and I love the fabric mix I used. Back then, I was a bit of a chicken to try to use the elastic and since it was optional I skipped it. Of course I regret it. The other side is always showing and it doesn't fit as good as it could. I bought the blue fabric and for this I used the scraps I was left after making two leggings - so much so that I had to sew two pieces together in order to be able to cut a front piece, that's way there's a sewing line in the waist of this one. The black lycra I used came from a women's long dress I refashioned into this. 

Mais tarde e com o aperfeiçoamento ao molde, foi-nos pedido que fosse costurado mais uma versão, e eu queria muito fazê-la mas tinha um problema... estava difícil encontrar lycra capaz por aqui. Por isso, comprei um retalhinho branco e preto que adorei a nível de padrão, mas era tão fino que me dava impressão. Juntei restos do vestido usado para o anterior também. Para o outro lado do fato de banho vi-me aflita, não tinha tempo de encomendar online e por aqui não havia nada. Felizmente, num monte de roupa para reciclar que me deram, vinha um fato de banho de mulher, suficientemente grande para eu conseguir fazer a versão em color block do molde. A esse lado juntei retalhos de um tecido jersey fino e até um pouco brilhante que tinha por casa. 

Later and with the perfecting of the pattern we were asked to sew another one and I really wanted to make it but struggled with something... It was quite hard to find the perfect fabric around here. I ended up buying a black and white scrap I adored in print, but was way too thin. I used scraps from the black dress here too. For the other side, I almost fell into despair, I had no time to order it online and I just couldn't find anything at all. Happily for me, I was given a pile of clothes to refashion, I found a women's swimsuit large enough for me to use some of it and do the color block in the swimsuit. To that same side, I used scraps from a thin and slightly shinny jersey from my stash. 

E passado um ano veio o último, o meu preferido. Depois de dois fatos de banho lá perdi o medo do elástico e apliquei neste último. O que vos posso dizer sobre isso? Nunca mais faço fatos de banho sem eles. Fazem toda a diferença no cair da peça. Os tecidos comprei-os em Espanha, e agora depois de algum uso, percebi que o das fotos de baixo não vale nada e desbotou ao fim de duas idas à praia ou coisa assim. Tanto que o uso como forro para todos os fatos de banho que vou fazendo. O tecido das bolas brancas é uma lycra pesada, que dura e dura. Foi uma excelente compra. Eu mesma fiz um outro bikini para mim o ano passado usando os mesmos tecidos. O tecido rosa, veio de uma t-shirt de mulher e apesar de não ser lycra tem-se aguentado perfeitamente à água salgada da praia e ao cloro das piscinas. 

And then, one year later, there was the last one, my fave. After two swuimsuits I finally lost my fear of elastics and applied it to this last one. What can I tell you about it? I will never make another swimsuit without it. They make a huge difference in the fit. The fabrics I used were both bought in Spain and after going twice to the beach, I realized that the one from the lower photos is really crappy, and lost the bright colours right away. I've been using it as a lining for all the other swimwear I made after this. The white polka dots fabric is a heavy lycra, that lasts and lasts. It was an excellente purchase. I made a bikini for myself in those same fabrics too. The pink fabric, was reused from a woman's t-shirt and although it's not lycra, it has been lasting and resisting the salty water from the beach and the chlorine from swimming pools. 

E pronto, é isto, eu levava o Azur comigo e fazia uma dúzia deles, para a minha filha, mas também experimentaria fazer um para mim, já que desde que fiz o último, que digo que gostava de experimentar fazê-lo para mim mesma, já que as minhas medidas, excepto nas ancas, cabem no número maior (12 anos). E vocês? Que molde escolhiam para levar para uma ilha deserta? Vejam as escolhas das bloggers que se seguem... 

And that's it, I would take the Azur with me ans would make a bunch of them for my daughter, but also for myself, as since I made the last I've been wanting to. My measurements, except for the hips, totally fit the biggest number (12 years). What about you? What pattern would you choose for a desert island? See the choices from the next bloggers... 

Refashion Month with Elizabeth Elliot

Scroll down for english, please!

Sabem o molde M is for Motto Joggers, aquele sobre o qual estou sempre a falar? E os últimos moldes super para a frente que usei ultimamente para a G.? Bem, são todos desenhos da Liz. Adoro o seu estilo e aposto que vocês também. Esta é a sua estreia nesta série e eu estava muito curiosa para ver o que tinha feito. Aqui o temos, não está um espetáculo? Ela transformou um hoodie em macacão para criança. Têm o link mais abaixo. 

Do you know the M is for Motto Joggers pattern I am always talking about? And the coolest latest patterns I've used for my daughter lately? Well, they were all designed by Liz. I love her designs and I bet you do too. It is her first time as a guest and I was really curious to see what she'd come up for the series, and here we got it. How cool is that? She turned a hoodie into a kid's romper. Visit her here and check out her tutorial. 


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